Saturday, January 12, 2008

Vacation Rentals business gets interesting

RentExpert enters the vacation rentals business, which is very competitive, but the feature rich software maybe one of the best vacation rentals software. Can you believe that online booking and registeration is not offered by some of the top websites covering this area, not yet any way. Check out the press release:

The best Vacation rentals software site launches, here is the press release:

January 12, 2008

RentExpert, Inc. announces Vacation Rentals Software & Online Booking System.

Filed under: Press Releases | Edit - admin @ 1:54 am

Seattle, Wash. – Jan 9, 2008 – RentExpert, Inc, announced today that it is launching the most powerful Vacation Rentals software w/Online Booking system for Vacation homes & Vacation Rental properties of any kind. Now, owners, managers and listing services can fully automate the management of vacation home rentals. The Vacation Rentals business has a number of issues including “the ability to reserve a property online”.’s Vacation Rentals Software & Online Booking System offers a tremendous amount of free functionality, including, but not limited to:

  • Rental SuperCalendar - always know the availability and status of your rentals.
  • Powerful Pricing Engine - get the best prices for your rental, automatically.
  • Live Online Booking - works with our pricing engine to allow online reservations under your terms.
  • Automated Email - communicate automatically with your renters.
  • Elegant Property Pages - a professionally designed web site that you can customize and redesign as often as you like without expensive web designers.
  • Blogging - let people know about the great things near your property from within your web site.
  • Maps - tell renters about all the wonderful attractions and amenities close to your rental.
  • Quick Setup - we walk you through the process so you can be ready to go in under 10 minutes.

RentExpert also offers premium features such as:

  • Vanity Domain Support
  • Integrated Credit Card Processing
  • Videos
  • Unlimited photos
  • Submission in Craigslist and Googlebase
  • Advanced Reporting that shows which listing services are performing
  • Rental Maximizer Reports to decrease Vacancy Rates

“Not only can RentExpert save owners money, it can make more money from rentals by using a powerful pricing engine to ensure low Vacancy Rates at the best possible price,” said Dr. Ganapathy Krishnan, President and CEO of RentExpert, Inc. also has powerful customer communication technology that significantly improves customer loyalty and customer satisfaction, unlike any other Vacation Rentals Software or Online Booking System on the market today. RentExpert can also power listing and real estate sites so your customers can get the benefits of using our powerful technology. “We were actively looking for a service such as RentExpert to power our Vacation Rentals business. The wealth of online booking, functionality and the ease of use gives us a tremendous competitive advantage,” remarked Vipin Singh, CEO/President of MyTypes, Inc. the owners of a leading Seattle real estate site, and blog hosting provider of the vacation rentals blog for RentExpert.

About RentExpert: RentExpert ( was founded by successful entrepreneurs Dr. Ganapathy Krishnan and John Guthrie, two well-respected technologists in the Seattle area. RentExpert has developed the most advanced Vacation Rentals Software & online booking system specifically tailored for Vacation Homes and Rentals.

RentExpert is a trademark of RentExpert. Other product names in this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies and are hereby acknowledged.

Register now for a FREE exclusive preview and participate in a RentExpert T-Shirt drawing. 50 free T-Shirts will be given away.

Friday, January 11, 2008

The team at did it, cross rings are here

Our friends at have just launched the cross jewelry collection! What does that mean you say? Well, it actually means the first product of this designer jewelry collection the cross rings are ready for sale. Jill Brahms is such an awesome silver jewelry designer, and I think her blog is going to get huge accolades.

Designer Silver Jewelry Sighting: Sharon Stone

Author: Loverelic January 4th, 2008

Sharon Stone Lakers game silver cross jewelry silver necklace Sharon Stone Lakers game silver cross jewelry silver necklace close

Earlier this week, Sharon Stone was spotted donning a great example of everyday silver cross jewelry at the Lakers vs. Boston Celtics game. We love her casual silver cross necklace. It looks like it is heavily oxidized (blackened) silver. This process usually involves taking the silver piece and heating it up with a torch to oxidize the metal. The end result is that the normally very white sterling silver turns darker, which basically speeds up the tarnishing process. There are other ways to oxidize silver, such as painting Fungicide directly on the silver. Yes, the kind people use on plants. Don’t try this at home, kids.

Sharon has had a thing for cross jewelry lately, and she has been spotted all over with them, particularly the cross necklaces.

We at LoveRelic are very excited to be debuting our new line of silver cross necklaces soon. We promise, they are unlike anything you have ever seen!

Vacation rentals needed to be rented out fast!

Here is a post I wrote on our main blogs, enjoy!

I am sure there is nothing more frustrating than an un-rented vacation properties, if you are counting on the income. Our family owns regular rentals, not vacation rentals, and to us there is nothing more frustrating that not renting out the property. It’s real money out of our pocket. Below are some pictures of the Santorini Island in Greece, wow the blue ocean is dramatic, it’s beautiful, but scares me a little. Any one else?

Did you ever wonder which of your vacation rentals listing service is performing? If you have multiple vacation rentals you probably care a lot more, but if you only own one or two vacation properties you care less, right? from Regardless of the size of your business, your vacation rentals software and online booking system should be able to keep track of the performance of your listing service. How, well that is one of the best features we at are busy working on. check out our vacation rentals blog, here is a post below:

How do you know which listing service is performing?

Filed under: Food for Thought | Edit - admin @ 4:09 am

Each listing service tries to get you to sign up, and our vacation rentals software and online booking system helps you manage the real numbers. However, it is difficult for you to know quantitatively which is the best Vacation rentals listing service in terms of maximizing your revenue. from–greece-photo2-blogThere are a number of factors to consider:

  1. What is the aggregate traffic?
  2. What is the quality of the traffic?
  3. How many listings are you competing with?
  4. What is the cost of the listing service?
  5. What is the uptime of the listing service?

It’s really hard to make these decisions without real data. You could make guesses or you could use RentExpert’s advanced vacation rental software tools to show you exactly what is working and what is not. We help to measure the effectiveness of your vacation rental ads, and make sure that every dollar you spend is working for you. All because of our most advanced Vacation Rentals Software and Online Booking system.

Posted by Admin in Vacation Homes Rentals

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Small Business success via barter article

Hi I just wrote this in our small business blogs area, didn't want to write all over again, enjoy!

If you read our announcement yesterday and PR newswire it all makes sense to you now, doesn’t it. The whole writing about small business blogs and success has actually been a theme since we started blogging in May on But, the Bartering and small business community is for the ITEX marketplace aspect. Here is the article, I just found at MS on Barter, and wrote on our small business blogs, enjoy!

Small Business Community, Barter Network & Marketplace

January 10th, 2008 at 06:31 pm by Admin in Barter Items

Some of you have by now figured out that for the last few weeks we have been working with ITEX the Barter Exchange & Barter Network. Small Business success depends on growing sales and keeping costs down. We have also been talking about blogcasting your brand since day one. We think a professional business community can help you achieve this. We have also been on the look out for great Bartering articles, why? Because we know that we all want to grow our sales. So we have been analyzing the barter business and the barter and trade industry, to quantify it’s value and to help small businesses. We are tasked to grow the online registration and our objective is to grow the business community of ITEX with our online marketplace strategies. Yesterday we announced in PR Newswire that ITEX is partnering with for our small business blogs help, and investing in our company, the Press Release is bit too long, so this blog post now will be too long, look for another post on the announcement of why the and ITEX partnership makes sense for you the small business blogs reader:-). We are now, 15% owned by ITEX Barter system and also joined the Barter Network.

I learned from our local Seattle Broker, that I can trade for a trip to Bahamas, she is going in 2 weeks. Gosh, I wish I could get away, the Seattle rain is driving me away. It’s not just us, talking about all businesses benefiting from Barter, here is a great article by Microsoft Small Business on Bartering.

Bartering can boost your budget and business

Microsoft Small Business Center


Joseph Anthony is a tax professional in Portland, Ore., who writes about finance and tax issues affecting small businesses. Send Joseph an e-mail .

By Joseph Anthony
Every year, companies transact billions of dollars worth of business without money ever being transferred from one account to another. There’s no cooking of the books going on here.

Companies big and small are using barter to sell and purchase goods and services. When someone first told me that barter was big business, I flashed on a vision of store houses piled high with pukka shells and trading beads. The reality couldn’t be further from that image.

More efficient, better cash flow

In the simplest form of retail barter, a business that trades a dollar’s worth of product or services to another business would get a dollar of “credit.” That credit then can be used to purchase goods or services from other companies in the barter system. The exchange companies help expand barter beyond a direct trade between two entities, allowing literally thousands of businesses to indirectly trade with one another. Please go to their site link Microsoft Small Business Center to read further.

Posted by Admin in small business blogs category: Barter Items

Monday, January 07, 2008

Can you believe that 60% or more small business don't have a website?

I can totally believe it, but guess what, business is still done the old fashioned way. If you don't understand that, you are maybe delusional, read on sir!

Not every small business has or needs a website

Remember just because you are techy, doesn’t mean every one else is. A lot, I would say the majority of the business about 60% or more happens without any online interaction or websites at all. How can that be? I am not going to sit here an explain that, but my friend Steve who we quote below mentioned to me today that 15% of all transaction of Walmart are all Cash only, and did you know that 20% of American’s don’t have bank accounts? I am willing to bet that 60% of all small business don’t have a website? Most business happens the old fashioned way, hard work and mouth to mouth and in person, so make sure you remember that when you want to work smarter online. People like interaction and communications, that is why Social networking is such a big phenomenon.

I recently started writing more focused blogs not just on SEO or blogging and Internet Marketing 2.0. A few months ago, I started to write about small business marketing, as we have been focused on business blogs and small business blogs. Why? When we created blogging platform,

my wife asked me “What is a blog?”. I realized back than, that most small business marketing people don’t know about SEO, fact is, they didn’t even know about blogging. Most successful small business people or most people in any major business community,

don’t get the connection of SEO and Blogging. So that is why the article below on small business marketing makes sense to print here not just in our small business blogs section. Enjoy the blog below, it does make sense, and bartering may be new to some of you folks but it’s been around professionally for a long time.

Barter, blogs, and websites for small businesses?

January 7th, 2008 at 08:28 pm by Admin in Barter Items, Small Business Marketing, Social Media Networks

Why do small businesses barter? That is the ultimate question, and which we got the answer from Steve White the CEO of ITEX, the Bartering site, barter network and trade exchange with 24,000 small businesses as it members. The first reason he said is that they join a professional trading community, which is interested in growing their business. Second is that they instantly get exposure to the members via the online marketplace of members barter items listings and membership directory. Third, they save cash and get a currency that helps them save their cash and grow their small business. Now we know that to get maximum exposure to your barter items, the small business needs to join a large trade exchange or barter network, and Steve reminds us that ITEX is the largest Barter Network in the US and Canada. After talking with Steve for a few minutes you will quickly realize that he is focused man with a lot of enthusiasm and passion. And, you understand that he is determined to help small business people. people small business photo blog from sxc.huSteve said today the passion comes from the desire to help people live the life of their dreams.

I heard very similar comments from a very successful business person last year, this guy is worth well over $100M and helped to start companies as large as Starbucks ( Starbucks was a small business by the way at some point wasn’t it? ). Steve mentioned that having a million members is just not enough, we have to help small business succeed. I couldn’t agree any more, and it’s not just about barter and trade exchanges, it’s our goal to create the world’s most successful small business community. That is why since our first week of blogging, we have said “Blogcast your brand”, and as much as possible we want to be about free blogs, business blogs, and small business marketing. It just happens that ITEX is in the Bartering business, and it’s barter network has the largest collection of barter items in the world.

So what is the goal of our small business blogs? To help you provide small business marketing help, internet marketing help, Seo Blogs help, and blogging tips to help you rank high on search engines and gain more business. That is why we spend so much of our time talking about SEO (Search Engine Optimization–getting ranked high on Google), and Blogs and blogging with the proper keywords. small business women for photo blogs from There is no better way to help you promote your business than to help you with blogging tips and that is why on the front page of our site we have so many blogging and seo coaching tips. I want to hammer this message home, again and again and again, it’s real simple blogging = SEO = Higher rankings on Google and means more customers for your small business.

So what is the #1 thing we can help small business with? We can help them with getting more customers!

How do we do that?

We do this via our free blogs and blogging platform @ which has SEO built in to it. Well, we also help you with Bartering and help you sell you barter items in our barter online marketplace at ITEX which has 24,000 small business members in it’s small business community.

Do we help you save cash, and reduce costs? We at provide free blogs, all you have to do is just keep blogging. ITEX does a better job of this because of Bartering and it’s ability to provide you a cashless marketplace. Thanks all and stay tuned, small business help is coming your way!

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Bun Cha is getting hot for vacations..yes we are talking destination Vietnam

Bun Cha is grilled Pork on the street, with white rice thin noodles, great sauce made from Papaya and Garlic. Smell of the habachi style grill smoking the fried meat, attracts the passer by motor scooter drivers. There is nothing better than local street food, when traveling. Thanks to Anthony Bourdain, I got to write about the new vacation destination of Vietnam. A lot of the international and Seattleites I know are going to Vietnam now days, and it's vacation homes and vacation rentals market is growing rapidly. I do hope to go there some day thanks to my Vacation rentals software buddies, John and Krish, I hope. has produced the best online booking system too.

You may not have heard of Ben Cha, even if you are a fan of Vietnamese food. I have been a fan since 1981, one of my first friend in the US was Vietnamese, Tang was his name. And Minnesota certainly has it's share of incredible Vietnamese restaurants such as Lotus. But, I never did hear of PHO before I moved to Seattle either. That's one of the best things about traveling and being on vacation, eating exotic foods. I wish offered some sort of food software product too, so that my Vacation rentals software and online booking system doesn't get too old. You see travel and food channel must mix well, as Foods certainly is from a particular place. And often times Food and wine and drinks are named after places such as Dijon, Chianti, yes even Colby cheese from Colby Wisconsin.

So food and travel go together, don't we all wish we could be on vacations. What else goes with Vacations? Religion and sacred places, clothing of the local cultures, arts and entertainment. I guess local events and sports also go with travel. So there is a lot to write about, if we are going to be vacation rentals software and online booking system experts, I better get to it.