Thursday, November 08, 2007

Infrared heaters save 50% more energy, info thanks to Edenpure Heaters?

Our friends at EarthWise technologies have asked us to SEO their website, and talk about why their Infrared heaters are better than Edenpure Heaters, and overall the most modern Infrared Heaters on the market. We normally don't take on clients, but as you know from this blog that we care about global warming issues. And, saving energy costs and energy is the biggest impact on being more Green and being for the environment. So we will use this blog as much as possible to support anything green, especially our friends Infrared Heater devices, which we believe are better than Edenpure Heaters. So to support and be more green buy a Infrared Heater from them through our MyTypes site and we plan give 10% of profits to various charities. Right now we don't have a lot of profits, we are still a startup so, don't pick on us too much:-). Here is a partial post from one of my blogs.

Infrared heaters save 50% energy, Green product?

Infrared Heaters save up to 50% on your heating costs, and are 50% or so energy efficient, but does that make them a Green product? I don’t know why not, but I wonder if there is a body of government or something that certifies Green Products? Does any one know? Why are we bringing up Infrared Heaters? Our friends started selling Edenpure Infrared Heaters last year and made almost a million dollar in sales as they setup Earth Wise technologies.

Our advisor and investor Jim is a COO of a bEarth Wise technolgies and they recently patented a special Infrared Heater that is better than the #1 Infrared heaters on the market by Edenpure Heaters. We are actually about to do some work for them on seo and search marketing. But, we are debating if we should set up a Green Shop, showcasing their Infrared Heaters. So that is why we ask about Green Product certification, does anyone know about this process, is there such a thing?

To make a disclaimer we are not affiliated with Edenpure infrared heaters or their parent company. Edenpure Heaters does a lot of advertising with Paul Harvey and they are promoting Infrared Heaters and energy saving, so we are thankful to them for being green.

Monday, November 05, 2007

A Positivity for housing Day!

Dear Tim, and Seattle Housing blog:

I wanted to pass this on to all who read this housing blog and feed.  Thanks to Tim O'Keefe we are working on a positivity day.  We all know that Housing markets do bounce back much faster than stock market.  Recent Research from Citibank Analyst, has shown that in the last 30 years, after the downturn, the real estate builders stocks bounce back as much as 40% within 3-4 months of bottom.  The run up in stocks is not based on Fundamentals, as the fundamentals lags 6-9months.

We have already seen a decrease in foreclosure rates in certain parts of the country, and banks have started to Lend again.  So the psychology of the market tells us that when we are the most depressed, as the news is so bad, we are at the bottom if not close to the bottom.  Soon the buyers come in and we move to the positive, and than it's too late to take advantage of the run up.  So go long my friends, buy real estate as much as you can, they are making more people every day, but no more land!


On 11/5/07, Tim O'Keefe <> wrote:



Please read this all the way thru......

Unemployment in L.A. was at all time highs. Foreclosures were causing lending institutions to create entire new work out departments for pre-foreclosures and short sales. The only good being reported about the real estate market was cute stories of St. Joseph statues.

I remember how sick I was of all the bad news. Walking into my real estate office was like walking amongst the living dead. Eyes of disbelief and fear reminded me of the reality of the recession that infected my city. I remember my partner reporting the math on his "farm" area he worked in Westchester.

30% drop in year over year value .

The news came from television, magazines and newspapers back then.

Sound familiar?

Pundits say we are getting ever so closer history repeating itself.

Whether we are or not, no one really knows. But I do know one thing. Our state and our emotions drive our decisions. The old sales 101 saying, " We buy with emotion and justify with logic" still holds. I believe that markets are heavily influenced by this "group think" that occurs in part from a daily deluge of crap or good news.

We as an industry have benefited handsomely from the Real Estate run up. Our clients have looked towards us for advise and many have spent a small fortune with us.

I don't need to tell you that like my real estate office above, most of our clients are looking for leadership.

Today we have the Net and we are the media to a large degree.  For the first time in history we have the power to create a collective voice. Especially thru our content we produce and disseminate thru our sites, blogs, and email.

Sure you have created killer aps and technology. But the benefits have not really reached that utopia talked about years ago in the Godin books or Cluetrain Manifesto. Thought Leadership and Group think can spread virally thru the web. Both Political parties do it to get their ideas across. But our clients have not yet spoken with any sort of unified message. I am sure there are plenty of reasons why, however I think this is a perfect opportunity to change that.

I am calling on all my vendor friends and those I do not know yet, to participate in what I am tentatively calling Positivity on Real Estate. This is a tremendous chance to use the web as a true marketing and publicity vehicle as we have always said it should be. We can lead by example. We can help frame the debate, and help our clients to create a positive image for their product.

Hey, it may or may not help change anything. But it will give focus to agents and brokers that sorely need direction.

First, I wish to circle the vendors as we have the resources. Then hand pick and then recruit Realtor bloggers and Website owners to create a new vibe and a new spirit.

We can offer them our leadership and resources to get their message out.  The first step is to get Vendors to raise their hand and then we will pick a day to conference. We will then establish a game plan to carry out this task.

This is a tremendous opportunity to give back and if executed properly will place us all in very high esteem in the industry. I already have many vendors & Realtors on board with their commitment of time and resources.

I look forward to hearing back from you with your thoughts, ideas, and criticism. Feel free to pass this onto anyone whom you think needs to see it.


Tim O'Keefe
Spider Juice Technologies


FYI: I have been writing as "anti Bubbler" for years now:

I thought this fitting:

Here's Bill Hicks reinforcing the value of love...

"It's just a ride and we can change it any time we want.
  It's only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings
  and money, a choice, right now, between fear and love.
  The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your door,
  buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love instead see
  all of us as one."
   ~Bill Hicks (1961 - 1994)
    Stand-up comic

 From Gary Halbert, author of The Coat-of-Arms Letter, the most mailed direct response letter in the history of direct response advertising...

Gary Halbert...
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
  Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
  It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
  We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
  talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?

 "You are a child of God. Your playing small does not
  serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about
  shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure
  around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do.
  We were born to make manifest the glory of God
  that is within us. It is not just in some of us;
  it is in everyone.

 "And, as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously
  give other people permission to do the same.

 "As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence
  automatically liberates others."
  ~ Gary Halbert (1952 - 2007)
    The Gary Halbert Letters


Vipin K. Singh