A Spiritual Social Network
Spiritual Social Network, Spirituality and Laws of Success
March 15th, 2008 at 03:19 pm by Admin in SpiritualityDoes the world need another social network, and especially a spiritual social network? We don’t know, and hope so, as we love the conversation of sprituality within the context of success and helping people live the life of their dreams. This is a side project of Keith, I, and another friend of mine, and it’s mission is quite simple to help people live a life of their dreams, thru Spirituality visit the project blog @ Spiritualogy.org
Recent blogs from the sprititual social network, which is coming soon, we are working on the social networking software.
The Noble New from Laws of Success
Sing Songs that none have sung,
Think Thoughts that ne’er in brain have rung,
Walk in paths that none have trod,
Weep tears that none have shed for God,
Give peace to all to whom none other gave,
Claim him your own who’s everywhere disclaimed.
Love all with love that none have felt, and brave
the battle of life with Strength unchained.
from “Law of Success” by Parammahansa Yogananda
You see this book is so deep, it’s hard to absorb and live more than a page or two at a time. It kind of reminds me of the Bible, where each verse is studied due to the depth of it’s meaning.
James Allen wrote a book called “As a Man Thinketh” written in 1899.
Cherish your visions, Cherish your ideals
Cherish your dreams,
Cherish the music that stirs in your heart,
The loveliness that drapes your finest thoughts,
Because of these if you stay true to them,
Your world will at last be built.
I want to quote out of that book some deep thoughts as well. But have to go to work for now, more later on spirituality and spiritual laws of success.
Posted by: admin
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6th Mar, 2008
Spiritual Success Quote & just smile
“He is the wisest who seeks God. He is the most successful who has found God.” -Paramahansa Yogananda
A few Years ago, I sat with my coach discussing my goals, we were about 9months in to our professional relationship. The topic of lack of spirituality entered our conversation, I felt a lack of spiritual alignment with my goals. I was coming off a devastating business loss, a year or so prior, and by this time, I had recovered. I was on my way back to financial security, even though my debt was still massive, I had a mechanism in place to provide for my family in a comfortable way. But the financial success and business success which were always tied for me, really didn’t include spirituality. And, I didn’t know how I could involve more spirituality in my business. That has always been the issue for me, I had no clear path to spiritual integration with my professional/business life.
I am not alone in this, a lot of people don’t even have a job they like. A neighbor just said, it would be bad, If I hated my job. So their is finding meaning in your work, no matter what you do, you can find meaning in it. At the very least, you can look at the fact that you are working to pay your bills and providing food and shelter for our lives. But, that’s where it stops, reminds you of Maslov’s hierarchy of needs. They are important to remind our self, and even though there is a lot of debate on the subject. What comes first, spiritual needs driving our basic needs or basic needs leading us to our spiritual needs. Here is the hierarchy in my quick understanding:
1. Food Shelter Clothing Survival needs - Low Level
2. Need for affection relationships communion
3. Need for Community, City, Country–belonging
4. Self Realization - Need for meaning in life - work
5. Self Actualization - Spiritual enlightment need - High Level
Some people say that if you work for money and food and basic needs, you will go up the chain to find more and more, as the basic low level needs just can’t keep our attention long enough. So people who have their basic needs met, often want spiritual needs. But, what about the people who have their spiritual needs met, do they want their basic needs met? At the surface level you might think that, but we are not talking about artists here, or people trying to be free and spiritual types as we call them.
To be truly spiritual, you would go work in a factory in a job that is disgusting by most standards, but still love it, how & why? It’s because they are guided spiritually, they know that all of their needs maybe met with that job. Their connection needs, spiritual satisfaction from delivering a great car, folders, chemicals, whatever they are building. The money and the basic needs that they get to provide for their family. Some of the most spiritual people I have met often are wise to this point, and I am glad that my father was self aware enough to do this kind of a job for our family. Michelle Obama, the Presidential front runner Obama’s wife, provides evidence of this in her life of her dad. So spiritual alignment in work, life, family, personal balance is a must.
What do you have to find it? It’s easy know and be comforted that everything is as it’s suppose to be, God is all around us, in everything, everything is a gift of spiritual blessings, and all we have to do is, open up to this fact. Much easier done than said, it’s quite simple really, but people make it hard. That is why Swamiji as my hindu friends would call Gurus, Sages, Wise folks, makes it so easy for us all. They keep it simple and just smile.
Posted by: admin
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3rd Mar, 2008
The Law of Success and Spiritual Laws of Success series: Part 1
The Law of Success by Paramahansa Yogananda is an amazing booklet on the spiritual laws of success. If you have ever heard of the Self-Realization Fellowship, founded in 1920, you are certainly aware of Yogananda as it’s simply known. I had no idea that the great Yogi had written a book on the Laws of Success, and to my amazing surprise, it’s quite amazing. I went to the SRF center in Seattle yesterday, and heard the most powerful sermon on success, even better than Deepak Chopra’s talk on the 7 spiritual laws of success. I like Deepak’s so this was an amazing surprise, I am still willing to pay $50 to go see Deepak tomorrow night in Seattle. He is visiting, and the energy of the place when he will be there is quite amazing.
Now to the point of the book Law of Success, here is the tag line description from the front cover of the book: Using the Power of Spirit to Create Health, Prosperity, and Happiness. The best part of the book for me, is that the energy coming off the SRF center I know is from the divine source. These laws are not unique but powerful, and the eloquently intense the way they were talked about yesterday, helped me get the book, and make it the subject of a series on spiritual laws of success blog. They could take a life time or two to dissect, and to be full acquired, but are easily captured in a 36 small pages. The realization process of the self in acquiring this kind of wealth is the key.
Here is the main point I learned from the talk and the book, If success is arrived from spiritual and only spiritual direction, than and only than can it be everlasting and truly success. Here is an excerpt from the cover:
“The faster the world moves, the more important it becomes to slow down and look within for what makes us truly happy. This insightful book offers profoundly motivating and uniquely practical guidance on the inner attributes that bring highest achievements and lasting success. Filled with sensible, down-to-earth wisdom, The Law of Success explores the spiritual sources of Creativity, positive thinking, and dynamic will, as well as the success-producing power of self-analysis and meditation. It shows how each one of us can naturally attract happiness and harmony-the measure of true effectiveness in every phase of life-by developing the unlimited powers that flow from the inner-most forces of our being.”
Widely regarded as one of the pre-eminent spiritual figures of our time, Paramahansa Yogananda (1893-1952) has introduced millions of readers to the perennial wisdom of the East through his life story, Autobiography of a Yogi, and his numerous other books. Today his spiritual and humanitarian work is carried on by Self-Realization Fellowship, The international society he founded in 1920 to disseminate his teachings worldwide.
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29th Feb, 2008
The Ancient Secrets of all spiritual faiths meet..
modern tools such as Blogging, social networking, video, and electronic conversations to enhance real world community of Spirituality. We want to launch this asap, and we don’t have a specific agenda, so for now all ideas are welcome. The topics can be anything from the discussion of the book and movie The Secret, which shares the ancient wisdom of Law of Attraction, mind over matter, and good old fashioned power of positive thinking.
The most important thing in life and in the spiritual world is to dream and to dream big. Whatever that dream is and how crazy it maybe, we need to acknowledge it, and appreciate the insights. There is a lot of talk right now about the focus and lack of reality in the word Hope. I think the biggest road block to dreaming is that lack of hope that a majority of the people have in achieving their dreams and big goals.
The political campaigns of the US Presidential campaign of Obama is focusing on Hope, and it’s shocking that the level of attacks that the word Hope is getting. Some people who are have led a previledged life like me, don’t ever think about the word hope. To some of us dreamers who actually believe we can achieve our goals, we think in certain words of Will and must and going after our dreams. I am told that the book “Audacity of Hope” by Senator Barack Obama is a great book.
I learned about the word Hope from an amazing lady back in the Inner city of Seattle, she taught me a great lesson. I called her my Maya Angelou, she taught me a few things about my book “Soul Verite” being part of the Hindu Chakra’s which at the time, I had no idea. But the most important lesson she taught me was of the word Hope. She taught of a lesson of life, from her past experiences, that most people in poverty and tough upbringings such as inner city don’t have hope. This is not a racial issue, I have seen this first hand in teen agers of both sexes and major races. I have always fought for their right to dream, and that is one of the main driving forces for this website/blog.
Posted by: admin
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26th Feb, 2008
Introducing Spiritualogy.org
Welcome to a brand new day, a new way to enhance your life where ancient Spiritual secrets meet the new age tools such as blogging, community, and social networking.
We are about to launch Spiritualogy.org a spiritual community of people who want more than a empty promise of traditional success. Spiritualogy.org plans to offer a place to communicate, create, share, enhance, grow your personal development goals all with a spiritual wholistic life.
Ever wanted more fulfillment in your interactions, more meaning in your life, well this is the place to start that journey. You will get what you put in to it, best of all, it is your community. Coming soon, by some of the people that brought your the blogging community MyTypes.com.