Saturday, December 02, 2006

Busted, real estate bubble has and we are all doing well?

The real estate bubble of the last 10 years, actually the home buyers boom, the refinance boom, the crazy inflated real estate prices haved busted. A qualifier for the Seattle residences, and other hot markets that are based on Jobs, you are fine, but go read the great business article. The long awaited real estate bubble in major cities has busted, and two major reports came out last week to show the impact. The Chicago Merchantile Exchange released a report of it's 10 cities economic outlook. And Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's, provided his real estate economic report. The article written by a Business week publication is on the real estate section of MSN, go to it here for the real estate market analysis made easy.

I have written and blogged for our Seattle Real Estate market place to help people make smarter choices. I still think that real estate is a great place for investments for the average person. Now, that we have created a real estate idx web solutions company, I am tasked to help the average real estate agent in Seattle and other parts of the country. So, I want to disect the real estate market news. So if you are a real estate agent, a real estate investor, or a home buyer or seller. Please do tell us what you think of this blog or write your thoughts on our comments section.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

So Seattle is Cold today, not as hot as I said couple of days ago, Real Estate prices across the country drop in appreciation

Seattle Real Estate was #3 of the hotest to stay hot in my article a couple of days ago. But yesterday's snow fall, and Hot Monday Night Seattle Sea Hawks victory may not be enough to warm up it's real estate market.

A great article on the website mentions that the national appreciation rates will drop from 12% last year to 1.9% this year in 2006. These numbers are based on the National Association of Realtors. This article mentions why real estate prices in cities across America maybe dropping, and why over valued markets are over values. It also does not say that, Seattle is on the Naughty list for real estate prices being over valued.

Why is Seattle not on the over valued list? Because it has Jobs, and economic growth. Haven't I been saying for years that Seattle has had the hotest job growth, actually no I have not. I have been saying that Seattle real estate like Minneapolis real estate, Chiacgo real estate, and Los Angeles real estate, has a lot to do with the Jobs in that area. All of the economic indicators I have looked at, have always said to me, that Jobs are the number one reason, people buy homes or sell them. More to come on this real estate market subject in the upcoming days and weeks.

Being sent from Blackberry email device, please excuse spelling errors.

Seattle is Cold today, not as hot as I said couple of days ago, Real Estate prices across the country drop in appreciation

Seattle Real Estate was #3 of the hotest to stay hot in my article a couple of days ago. But yesterday's snow fall, and Hot Monday Night Seattle Sea Hawks victory may not be enough to warm up it's real estate market. In case you were wondering we have accelerated our real estate news blog to promote real estate agent idx websites product by You will see almost daily real estate news and blog information on our blogs and websites to keep you up to date. So you can make a smart home purchase!

A great article on the website mentions that the national appreciation rates will drop from 12% last year to 1.9% this year in 2006. These numbers are based on the National Association of Realtors. This article mentions why real estate prices in cities across America maybe dropping, and why over valued markets are over values. It also does not say that, Seattle is on the Naughty list for real estate prices being over valued.

Why is Seattle not on the over valued list? Because it has Jobs, and economic growth. Haven't I been saying for years that Seattle has had the hotest job growth, actually no I have not. I have been saying that Seattle real estate like Minneapolis real estate, Chiacgo real estate, and Los Angeles real estate, has a lot to do with the Jobs in that area. All of the economic indicators I have reviewed, have always said to me, that jobs are the number one reason, people buy homes or sell them. More to come on this real estate market subject in the upcoming days and weeks.
As always please support our Seattle real estate agents website and our real estate agent IDX website provider at If it was not for those to resources we could not make the time to write and bring you the latest real estate news information to you.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Seattle #3 on the list of non-bubble cities

I just read an article that Seattle real estate market is #3 on the all time appreciation list, behind San Francisco and Los Angeles. The article was from Business 2.0 and Cnn Money real estate section. As I had mentioned to most of your before, that is a good site on all real estate macro news, it is at

The national real estate market is not slowing down, does this mean that the stock market will continue on a new boom, or will housing market maintain it's edge over time as a better investment. You decide, but real estate is considered a safer investment, and due to banks borrowing you money for real estate acquisition it's a better leverage too.