Sunday, March 09, 2008

Dreaming of Blog Templates

I can't believe I am sitting here tonight, dreaming about blog templates. Why would be thinking about Blog templates any way, who do I think I am? Well, some how we started to offer SEO blog templates for Wordpress templates and wordpress themes last year. We did this to get link backs in return, as recommended by Google's man on SEO, and top SEO consultants worldwide. You see offering free tools, blog templates, and website templates is nothing new, and lots of companies do it. In fact, it's one of the best ways to get promotion and part of the Open Source movements.

But why am I dreaming about blog templates? I have loved the process of designing websites or blogs, especially with my friend and business partner at, Keith Mitchell. Keith and I have bought blog templates, we have bought website templates. But more recently we have spent more time designing interfaces, designs, and websites from blog templates. We have worked with Wordpress Templates, Joomla Templates, and Elgg. We are now ranked #6 on Google for the keyword "Blog Templates", and #27 for "Blogger Templates" and #27 "Wordpress Templates".

So we started to dream of blog templates, as I know for a fact, that with the popularity of blogs, lots of businesses will pay for blog templates. This will help us to monetize our traffic and create a more successful business model. We are also thinking of offering SEO tools and a small business seo package to help small business SEO their websites. And, all of this starts with their blogs and our blog templates.

Who would have thunk it, dreaming about blogger templates, even though we are Wordpress Templates. Making money helping to sell the enemies customers some juice to make them beautiful. But if people are willing to pay us for these blog templates we will offer them. Coming soon to a blog near you.

Do let us know what you think of us selling blog templates?


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